General Workplace Health & Safety Induction for Contractors
Ireland’s is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for all
employees, contractors and visitors. Hazards to health and safety will be removed, or where
this is not practical, they will be managed so as to prevent injury, illness, and dangerous events.
Ireland’s considers safety and incident prevention to be vital to the ultimate success of the
organisation’s operations.
Our goal is to have zero injuries to employees, contractors, and members of the public within our
workplace. This can only be achieved through consultation with and cooperation by all.
Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
WHS legislation and your obligation
According to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (the WHS Act) and associated WHS regulations, codes of practice and Australian standards, contractors:
- have a duty under the WHS Act to provide a safe place and a safe system of work so as not to place at risk the contractor’s own workers as well as other workers and the general public at the workplace.
- must comply with all relevant enactments, associated WHS regulations, standards, codes of practices and TRC WHS policies and procedures that are applicable to a contract, or the performance of the services under the contract.
While at work, workers are required to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions or omissions irrespective of what workplace they are employed at.
Contractor controls
Under the WHS Act, duties are imposed on Ireland’s of Cairns to ensure its workers and contractors carry out their work in a safe manner.
Contractors also have duties under the WHS Act as a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) and/or a person in control of the workplace. This means the contractor must also carry out their work in a safe manner without risk to themselves, their workers and all others.
Hazard identification
The contractor will be required to undertake a site hazard identification to systematically identify and assess hazards.
Hazardous work
Specific indication for hazardous work must be outlined e.g., hot work permit, hazardous chemicals, working with heights etc.
Risk Assessment
The contractor must conduct risk assessments and relevant control strategies prior to commencement of work if risks are identified. For high-risk activities a safe work method statement (SWMS) must be completed and provided to Ireland’s of Cairns.
When on site at Ireland’s
Contractors must:
- sign in and out and obtain a visitor pass
- ensure to remain vigilant that the dealership is a shared zone
- ensure when driving a vehicle that you adhere to the 10klm speed limit
- wear high-vis clothing and safety PPE where required
- have conducted Ireland’s general safety induction
- follow Ireland’s WHS policies and procedures.
If you are unsure on how to conduct a particular work task or process in a safe...
General Workplace Health & Safety Induction for Contractors
Ireland’s is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for all
employees, contractors and visitors. Hazards to health and safety will be removed, or where
this is not practical, they will be managed so as to prevent injury, illness, and dangerous events.
Ireland’s considers safety and incident prevention to be vital to the ultimate success of the
organisation’s operations.
Our goal is to have zero injuries to employees, contractors, and members of the public within our
workplace. This can only be achieved through consultation with and cooperation by all.
Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
WHS legislation and your obligation
According to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (the WHS Act) and associated WHS regulations, codes of practice and Australian standards, contractors:
- have a duty under the WHS Act to provide a safe place and a safe system of work so as not to place at risk the contractor’s own workers as well as other workers and the general public at the workplace.
- must comply with all relevant enactments, associated WHS regulations, standards, codes of practices and TRC WHS policies and procedures that are applicable to a contract, or the performance of the services under the contract.
While at work, workers are required to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions or omissions irrespective of what workplace they are employed at.
Contractor controls
Under the WHS Act, duties are imposed on Ireland’s of Cairns to ensure its workers and contractors carry out their work in a safe manner.
Contractors also have duties under the WHS Act as a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) and/or a person in control of the workplace. This means the contractor must also carry out their work in a safe manner without risk to themselves, their workers and all others.
Hazard identification
The contractor will be required to undertake a site hazard identification to systematically identify and assess hazards.
Hazardous work
Specific indication for hazardous work must be outlined e.g., hot work permit, hazardous chemicals, working with heights etc.
Risk Assessment
The contractor must conduct risk assessments and relevant control strategies prior to commencement of work if risks are identified. For high-risk activities a safe work method statement (SWMS) must be completed and provided to Ireland’s of Cairns.
When on site at Ireland’s
Contractors must:
- sign in and out and obtain a visitor pass
- ensure to remain vigilant that the dealership is a shared zone
- ensure when driving a vehicle that you adhere to the 10klm speed limit
- wear high-vis clothing and safety PPE where required
- have conducted Ireland’s general safety induction
- follow Ireland’s WHS policies and procedures.
If you are unsure on how to conduct a particular work task or process in a safe manner, please ask.
Smoking is prohibited around the Ireland’s site. Smoking is only permitted in normal work breaks in the one designated smoking area.
Alcohol and Drugs
Health and Safety are foundation principles of our business. The health and safety of our staff,
colleagues, customers and business partners is our number one priority. Drug and alcohol use
is recognised as a significant hazard in all areas.
First Aid Management
You need to:
- know the identity of the first aid officer/s
- know the location of the nearest first aid kit
Electrical Safety
The following requirements are to be adhered to:
- Electrical equipment must be tested and tagged and within date.
- Check the equipment for damage before use.
- Electrical equipment must be connected to a residual current device
- Faulty electrical equipment is to be tagged ‘Out of Service’, removed and reported to your supervisor.
- Use intrinsically safe equipment where possible i.e., cordless drill.
Risk Assessment
Hazard — a source or situation with the potential to cause harm.
Risk — the likelihood that harm will occur.
Risk calculator — helps rank the risk.
Ensure a written risk assessment and/or safe work method statement (see below) is conducted prior to work commencing.
Incidents & Near Misses
You must immediately report all incidents, near misses and injuries (no matter how minor) to the site WHSA or First Aid Representative.
Hazard Reporting
A hazard is something that has the potential to cause injury, damage or loss.
Risks associated with hazards must be controlled and reduced to a low level and it’s everyone’s responsibility to report hazards.
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
The primary purpose of a SWMS is to help supervisors, workers and any other people in the workplace to understand the requirements to carry out the high-risk construction work in a safe and healthy manner.
The aim of a SWMS is to:
- describe the activity or task to be undertaken
- identify the resources, personnel requirements and skills associated with the task
- assess hazards and risk level of tasks and select control measures (as appropriate)
- systematically plan the activity so it can be completed safely, efficiently and effectively.
The SWMS must be kept at the workplace where the high-risk construction work will be carried out. A PCBU that carries out high risk construction work must ensure a SWMS is prepared or has already been prepared before the proposed work commences.
Lifting and Manual Handling
Manual handling is involved in nearly all work in our industry. Plan your work, rotate and/or vary your tasks to reduce repetitive strain injuries.
Manual handling injuries are commonly sustained through:
- incorrect lifting or handling practices
- poor postures or technique
- repetitive work
- vibration.
Before lifting, ask yourself if you should be using mechanical lifting aids.
Workplace Chemicals — Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
SDSs provide relevant information on:
- the chemical compound
- associated health hazards
- safe handling practices
- how to use the chemical safely
- emergency and first aid
SDSs must be kept close to the storage area for each chemical and a copy taken and carried with mobile plant and vehicles that carry chemicals.
Blue & White – Mandatory
Yellow – Caution
Green & White – Emergency
White, Black & Red – Prohibited
Red, Black & White – Danger
Red & White – Fire
You must be fully trained and certified to work with asbestos and:
- must have a copy of the Asbestos Management Plan before proceeding
- must not drill, cut, sand or grind asbestos
- if cutting is unavoidable, lessen the dust by wetting down the material
- must use the appropriate respiratory protection and other PPE
- must dispose of asbestos.
If you come across pipe insulation, lagging, ceiling insulation or other fibrous material suspected of containing asbestos, notify the relevant WHSA before continuing the work.
Dealership Wide Shared Zone & Speed Limit
Ireland’s dealership is a shared zone. A shared zone is an area where pedestrians and vehicles share the road. You must give way to pedestrians and keep to the speed shown on the signage displayed around the dealership being 10klm/hr.
You must be continually aware of your surroundings and when turning a blind corner where you are unable to see whether you have oncoming traffic, you must ensure to beep your horn to notify person/s you are there.
Use of ladders and Platform Equipment
Follow advice for the safe use of ladders when undertaking construction work in Pt 6.3 Div. 4 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011.
When you are working high above the ground it is important to think about the risks including:
- height of the work
- guard rails or other edge protection
- roof pitch and surface conditions
- weather conditions like wind strength
- complexity of task.
To prevent anyone falling, the following controls should be put in place:
- alternatives to working at height
- ensure the ladder or work platform is on a flat and stable surface
- erect edge protection or guard rails
- place a fall protection cover over an opening
- provide a travel restraint or fall-arrest harness system
- provide an industrial safety net.
The tidier your workplace, the safer it will be. Good housekeeping will prevent slips, trips and falls. If you come across a hazard, clean it up provided you are trained and it is safe to do so.